Adapt the message and services according to the profile of Internet users Not all visitors to your website do so for the same reasons. The ideal is to adjust your messages according to the visitor's profile to effectively support them from digital to physical. This is why the ideal is to create personas. These are fictitious people created from scratch who bring together the characteristics of your target audiences . The marketing strategy, positioning of the product or service, promotion and distribution will thus be adapted according to the persona.
Which will allow the target to better identify with the product or wedding photo editing service service. Establish a strong and lasting link between digital and physical Chat is particularly effective for integrating digital and physical aspects into a single purchasing process since it allows you to establish a reassuring human relationship with your visitors before they go to see the product in your store. Push notifications in the form of Pop-ups, for example, can also prove effective in attracting your digital visitors to your point of sale, when they promote physical operations.
These notifications can be geolocated for greater profitability. on your website and your digital channels dedicated to your physical events is also an effective practice to encourage your visitors to come and discover your products and brands in store. Please note that these pages can also help you collect user data to populate your databases and create personalized marketing actions. You can also offer an online appointment booking functionality from your website or Facebook page to convert your web visitors into customers. |